Region: Heart of Appalachia
Locality: Tazewell County169 Suffolk Avenue
Richlands, VA 24641
Serving: Lunch Dinner
23 Sept 2010
Dear Diary,
It was sunny, busy Thursday. I am fixing my things for my trip to New York and visit my Aunt for a while before I go back Manila. I am not expecting anything that day but Mike called me at around 1pm and asked me if I am cooking for dinner and I told him that I can but our fridge is empty. He told me he'll call me back again. So, put down the phone and continue what I was doing.
Ring...ring... then Mike goes: Sweetheart, we are booked at 6pm. We will have a dinner date. You still have four hours to get ready. And I was like... We will dress up? yes. you can dress up. Yey!
Mike came home earlier than the usual and he dress up also for our dinner. He gave me chocolates.

It was a happy, simple dinner. It is our little get together for Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year... since we will be far away from each other. :/
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